Always go North!

Hello to all my readers :)

Where is your North Star?

What is your mission that points you north?

The one that guides you, serves you and inspires your heart to move forward. :)

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The North Star has throughout history lead travellers safely through unknown lands and across oceans.

Where your talents and the needs of the world cross lies your calling.’ – Aristotle

We all have great ideas and dreams of what we would love to be and do. :)

Perhaps you dream of travelling to exotic places and living wild adventures. :)

exotic places

wild adventure 3wild adventure

Perhaps you dream of being able to affect other people’s lives in a positive and meaningful way. :)

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working for charity 2

What happened to those dreams, that sense of excitement, that calling to do more with your life? 

Goals and dreams push us to attempt the unknown and set goals for our future; these goals are your North Star guiding you in the right direction:)

Just as Columbus used the North Star to navigate ships, you too can use your North Star in the direction of your goals and dreams.

You might ask yourself:

What are the reasons why some people follow their North Star?

What are the reasons why some people think differently?

How do you begin to live your dreams and move ahead in the direction of your goals?

Here are the 3 steps you can take to ensure you always go north:

Step 1. Ask yourself challenging questions.


The clock is ticking and opportunities are lost if you don’t ask enough questions of not only yourself but of those who might know more than you.

Once you have answered these fundamental questions, please set priorities to take action and accept the necessary risks to bring these answers to life:

Who am I?

Why do I exist?

What specifically do I want to do with my life?

What am I trying to accomplish in the years ahead?

What am I prepared to do to achieve it?

When will I begin to follow my North Star?

Step 2. Believe in yourself


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Right now, in this precise moment, you believe or disbelieve that it is possible to live the life that you want. Which one have you chosen?

Following your North Star requires a fearless and daring spirit along with nerves of steel and a massive amount of confidence. Pursuing your goals will require continuous effort and vigilance to keep yourself on track, but the rewards are many fold. :) You can speak with any successful person and they will confirm it. :)

In order to increase your belief system you need to focus on the main prize and coordinate the sequential steps to get yourself there. As you begin to experience results and therefore improved confidence, your self belief will enable you to take the next step into unknown territory.

One of the greatest life lessons I have learnt is this:

Have faith that what you want, also wants you in return.’ :)

Step 3. Take action and create a sense of Urgency.


Remember that you have a finite amount of time on life’s clock to capture the prize that you so desperately want.

Understand that this life time is not a preliminary stage to your real life, therefore you need to get serious, you need to take decisive action and create a sense of urgency in all that you do to achieve your goals. Time is one of the rare things in life that you cannot claim back. Use it wisely and make every second count:)

time is ticking

Whenever you want to figure where your North is, all you have to do is find your North Star.

Remember, North never ever changes!‘ :)

Why not challenge yourself now?

Set your sights and supporting actions on your own personal North Star. Visualise the perfect outcome and never lose sight of it.

This will require dedication, commitment, sacrifice and your willingness of never give up. :)

Everything worth achieving in life is designed to challenge and stretch us because it is only through growing that we become more in order to take on more, I am speaking from personal experience. :)

I want to dedicate a special thanks to my dear bro who inspired me and has been my ‘North Star’ for the past three years.  He has been a real role model and an excellent bro to look up to, I thank you deeply for this, bro! :) I invite you to read one of his last blog which covers the same subject with a slightly different perceptive  ‘Top up your inspiration levels!’  As they say great minds think alike! It is a very inspiring post. Please have a read and let him know as he had a difficult week and today is a very ‘special’ day for him. As the content of his blog is so relevant to life to motivate and inspire you, I feel that it should really be more widely shared. To celebrate his special day, let’s make sure we give it the highest hits of this year! Thank you! :)

I also want to thank all of you who sent me fantastic feedback and really kind notes. I really appreciate it. :)

I truly enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with you all, if it helps just one of you then that is reward enough. 

As always it would be great to hear about your own plans, ambitions and successes. :)


To your continuous success.

Viv :)

Double Winner Awards Author of ‘The book on Success